Autodesk Forum
A unique place for an exceptional day
Team Building
No routine for Autodesk's annual event, a 3D software publisher! An event held each year in a different location that brings together distributors and partners.
For the 2017 edition of its forum, our client chose an exceptional venue, the Palais Brongniart. No generational conflict, history and modernity must coexist in perfect harmony, and the some 800 guests – partners and distributors – will have a day to learn everything about Autodesk, its novelties… and discover a mythical place, the former Stock Exchange.
manufacturing :
3 days
Brongniart Palace, Paris
Surface :
Date :
To go further
A Multi-Parameter Equation
The concentration over time of the event (a day) involves solving an equation with multiple factors: welcoming and presenting its 15 developer partners, sponsors, key accounts distributors; arranging a briefing agora, workshops, conferences; installing a space for confidentiality and friendliness, organizing a central information hub… all while preserving the integrity of the historic site!
Our designers have opted for visibility and efficiency. The entire setup is organized around the shape of the monumental vault of the palace. A designed and well-lit desk serves as the central point of the setup, while mini-stands host Autodesk's premium partners. The briefing agora, conferences, and VIP lounges integrate seamlessly into the exhibition area of over 900 m2.
guests at this event
only manufacturing
The event in images
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